Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Racy Stickers

So, yesterday Norah was working on a project(paper, markers, stickers, ect..) when she came over to me and said excitedly “look Mom, mine has bras on it.” I only smirked a little and told her that no, those are not bras, they are bikini tops.  Then she said just as excited, “Look mom, mine has bikinis on it.”   The last time we bought stickers she picked out the summer ones because they had flip flops and other cool things….bras too, I guess.

We took the kids to the Waseca County Fair on Sunday afternoon and Brennan rode rides for the first time.  I will say that he loved it, but his eyes were as big as softballs each time a ride started with jolt.  It was so cute.  Norah was a good big sister and rode with him.SANY1765SANY1768Yep, they rode in the back of the car!

We walked through the animal barns, and the most interesting comment that came out of Norah’s mouth was when we passed a horse eating some hay.  She said it looked like the horse was trying to poop.  I was slightly confused where that came from because I didn't think the horse looked that way at all.  But then I remembered that every night when we sit down for supper Norah gets about 3-4 bites in before she says, “ I need to go poopy”.  Seriously it is like freaking clockwork.  So one of us ends up leaving our warm food to wipe a tush.  Maybe she has a special gift and sensed it in the horse too.  SANY1775I am happy to say that I passed on my love of cotton candy to both my kids!


For those of you who know my nephew Owen, you know he is a quiet, shy, laid back little guy, and so I think this story will make you giggle too….

We were at Ally&Ryan’s in the toy room and Owen showed me a tiny dinosaur, and a little bear and a couple other tiny trinkets he had. I told him they were really cool and that is when Olivia piped up and said that the dino was Sawyer’s(the neighbor boy).  She went on to say that Owen goes to his house and stuffs these cool things into his pockets and comes home with his treasures.  I was already giggling at that fact when Owen says with sooo much sass “He doesn’t even want it!”

After talking to Allyson and Ryan it seems this is a common practice of both those boys finding “unwanted” things at each others house. When Owen walked home from Sawyer’s house before we left the first thing Ally asked him was what was in his pocket.  His smirk was a dead giveaway…a marker Sawyer “didn't want”! Awesome!SANY1726

Brennan and Owen in their matching Jammies!  They don't look alike at all, do they?


  1. Hey - The other day, at the water park, someone was wearing their bra...so, maybe those stickers are a bit racy after all! ;)
    I love that Owen and Sawyer are thievin' rascals.

  2. Cute post! my boys are poopers in the middle of eating too. what is with that? pretty gross having to leave the table to go wipe and come back and eat. Seriously!?

  3. There was a woman that would wear a white sports bra and white biker shorts into the pool area at LTF while I was walking. Then she would get in the hot tub. That left a lot up to the imagination. Who does that?!?! It isn't a swimsuit, and you aren't fooling anyone!!

    Those boys are cute. =)
