Monday, October 25, 2010

My Peanut is 4!

I Can’t believe that Norah is 4 years old today!  Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!  You are such a spunky, independent, sassy girl and I love you so much.  The time has flown by and you are becoming such a big girl.  You are the light of your little brother’s eyes, and I love watching you play with him.  Being your mom, we have to have arguments every once in a while, and there will be many more to come(especially in your teens), but never forget how much I love you and that you and your brother are my world.  Happy Birthday!SANY1941 SANY1942

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


According to the Webster’s Dictionary the definition of busy is:

a : engaged in action : occupied b : being in use <found the telephone busy>


: full of activity : bustling <a busy seaport>


: foolishly or intrusively active : meddling


: full of distracting detail <a busy design>



If there was a word to describe busier than busy I think the definition would be: The Kath Family

We are just 3 weeks from the election which means that Kory is working like crazy!  Teaching, campaigning, traveling to St.Paul writing legislation for the flood relief for our area …busy.

I take on all of the household duties, child duties, errands and work full time to keep things semi-normal for the kids, but on top of this I am on JURY DUTY!  What are the odds that the first time I called in on Oct 1st my number was listed to report to the courthouse last Monday.  Wouldn't you know it I was chosen to sit on the jury to hear the case.  So you can only imagine what it was like to reschedule all the appointments I had for the days of the trial.  My days were spent at the courthouse and then I went to work to get customers in each evening…busy

Here is a shout out to all of our family and daycare mom who helped us last week, we couldn't make it without you!  PS, We may need you again real soon!

I promise the next time I get a spare minute I will blog a bit more…just wanted you all to know I have not forgotten you!