Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Super Scrap Closet

So, This post is a little late, but still needs to be shared!  My super creative and talented friend, Mary, helped me turn my scrapbooking storage closet into a super Scrapbooking Room!  She first wigged me out by making me take out everything I owned for scrapbooking and organize it all.  You know what I mean by wigged out when you look around and it seems as if things exploded everywhere.  We had to kick my OCD husband out of the basement so he didn’t have a nervous breakdown!  Anyway, we widdled away at the work for 2 weekends in a row, and I worked on “homework” she gave me for the week in between.  Not only is Mary crafty, and a super organizer, but she is mean with some power tools!!! She built a workspace from a lot of things I already had, and added a countertop!  She borrowed her in-law’s circular saw and just did it!  I was so impressed.  I had taken advantage of my new space with all of my supplies organized and well labeled(Mary brought her Label Maker over).  I absolutely love it and appreciate her hard work!


Here is the mess/ work in progress:IMG_0222IMG_0223IMG_0225IMG_0227IMG_0228IMG_0224

All of these things and closet turned into this:


This project turned out awesome and I am so thankful to have such a great crafting space!  Oh yeah—my husband and kiddos bought me my own label maker for Mom’s Day so I can try to stay on top of the whole organized thing!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We’re Still Here

Hi all!  Yep, we are still alive and kickin’!   Time always seems to get away from us just with the routine of our daily lives.  Here are some updates: 

We had an awesome Valentine’s Day complete with heart shaped pizza!  Daddy grabbed the sparkling grape juice and we all drank out of wine glasses.  The kiddos were pretty impressed with that!  IMG_0207[1]IMG_0205[1]

Here are a few pics of the weekend before that when Lane and Kate stayed with us.  While the little ones napped, Norah and Lane frosted heart cookies!



Here’s our bed the next morning:IMG_0203[1] There was no room left for Me!


We have a couple of goofy kids living here that keep us laughing everyday!


Got to love the outfits! 


We tried out a little potty training for Brennan last weekend…he is NOT ready.  Although he did do #2 on the potty, he looked completely traumatized and didn’t know what to think.  He wet his pants 5 times that day, so we have decided to just wait a couple more months and try it again.  At least now he knows what being wet feels like..too bad it didn’t seem to bother him much. 

One progression in Brennan’s life that we have made is that on Monday night we took the side off of his crib to give him a “big boy bed”.  In the recent weeks he starting climbing into the crib, and I knew it would be only a matter of time until he realized he could also climb out.  After his nap on Monday, he climbed out, opened his door and walked right out.  It startled me that he was just standing by me without a peep.  So, for safety sake, we made the crib into a bed until we decide how to decorate his room and buy a twin bed.  He is growing up so fast…isn't it crazy how fast time goes?IMG_0221[1]

We spent about an hour outside playing on Monday, and I am sure glad now that it is SNOWING again…yuck.  The kids had so much fun discovering their outside toys again. IMG_0215[1]IMG_0217[1]IMG_0220[1]

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Girl’s Day!

Norah was super excited to learn that last Sunday we were going to have a girl’s day!  What might a Kath Girl’s day entail?  Well, it started right after Norah’s Sunday School class.  We picked up Nana Judy and headed on our way to Rochester.  We had a yummy lunch at The Olive Garden.  Soup, salad and breadsticks…it was great!  Then we went to Herberger’s to kill a little time before Norah and I headed to Rochester Scrapbooking Company for a Kids Class!  We worked together and handmade 24 valentines for her friends at school!  It was a blast because I have passed my love for paper crafting on to Norah and she was thrilled that we got to do it together.  Mind you, the store did a great job of having things ready to assemble, but we did have a bunch of things to cut out, ink, ect…  One of the other adults with a little one put it best when she said it was kind of like making cut out cookies…the first six were a lot of fun, then the kids just wanted to know when we would be done.  Norah did awesome for only being 4.  It was around valentine #15 that she started to get antsy.  I ended up finishing them up with her occasional glue stick help.  It was a  great time and the valentines are super cute.  From there we picked up supper for Dad, Brennan and Papa Kevin…Chipotle.  Then the girls got a sweet treat and headed home.  Norah was asleep before Byron.  Hope to do it again soon.IMG_0193[1]IMG_0194[1]IMG_0195[1]

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thank You Shout-Out

Just want to send out a BIG Thank You to Dawn and Jason for watching Norah and Brennan for us while we had a getaway the week after Christmas.  They were brave enough to have 4 kids in their house along with all the new Christmas toys!  It is so awesome to be able to get away and not have to worry at all about the kids.  Thanks so much! 

We enjoyed our days in Florida- especially the sunshine.  It was chilly there the first couple days, but ended in the 70’s.  It was great to spend some time together and were gone just long enough to miss the kids a bunch and wonder what we did before them!