Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays!

So, is it just me or is it hard to believe that we are already a week into 2011?  The days just fly by with the flurry of activity that every busy household has.  We had such wonderful holidays, celebrating with family and friends.  Christmas was so magical with a 4 year old and 2 year old.  They must have been extra good this year because Santa made all of their dreams come true.  Norah asked for a violin for herself and one for Lanie(her American Girl).  She also wanted matching PJ’s for her and Lanie and a sleeping bag and pillow for Lanie.  Wouldnt you know that Santa brought all of those for her!!!!IMG_0068 IMG_0054 IMG_0055

Brennan’s answer to what he wanted from santa was “ Mee Mouse!”  aka Mickey Mouse.  The boy is obsessed with him with a capital O!  He thinks they only tv show we should ever watch is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or any Mickey movie. Santa delivered him a Mickey Mouse flashlight that he loves.  You know Mickey is tops with him when he raced to the flashlight even though there was a shiny red and chrome drum set right next to it.  Needless to say, Santa thought we needed some music(mostly off key) in this house. A violin and drums!  If you hear some strange sounds coming from this end of town, I would say it is our toddler band!  IMG_0073 IMG_0049 IMG_0051 IMG_0067

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